I have created a levelplot in R that displays my data overlayed on a smoother contour plot using this code:
levelplot(chla_avg ~ lat * depth, trunc_level_test, ylim = c(275, 5), region = TRUE, col.regions = hcl.colors(110, palette = "spectral",rev=F), contour = FALSE, cuts = 100, panel = panel.levelplot.points) +
layer_(panel.2dsmoother(..., n = 400, method = 'loess'))
This produces this image: levelplot
I love this graph. It displays exactly what I want except I don't love the fit of the loess model. Normal I could customize loess()
but I can't figure out how to get panel.2dsmoother()
to take my arguments. Ideally I would like to change the span
and degree
arguments of loess()
to make the fit a little less smooth.
I've tried:
levelplot(chla_avg ~ lat * depth, trunc_level_test, ylim = c(275, 5), region = TRUE, col.regions = hcl.colors(110, palette = "spectral",rev=F), contour = FALSE, cuts = 100, panel = panel.levelplot.points) +
layer_(panel.2dsmoother(..., n = 400, method = 'loess(span=0.1)'))
Which produces this error:
Error using packet 1
could not find function "loess(span=0.1)"
Clearly panel.2dsmoother
is reinterpreting the function in a way I do not understand.
In the panel.2dsmoother
documentation it says: "the smoothing model is constructed (approximately) as method(form, data = list(x=x, y=y, z=z), {args})
." (panel.2dsmoother documentation) I cannot figure out how to pass my arguments to the loess
Is there anyway to customize loess inside panel.2dsmoother
You can pass extra arguments to the loess
method using the args
parameter of panel.2dsmoother
. Just put the arguments inside a list
Obviously, we don't have your data, but we can show the concept using the built in data set iris
. First, we'll show the plot with the default arguments:
levelplot(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width * Petal.Length,
region = TRUE,
col.regions = hcl.colors(110, palette = "spectral", rev = F),
contour = FALSE) +
layer_(panel.2dsmoother(..., n = 400, method = 'loess'))
Now let's use a smaller span
value for our loess smoothing:
levelplot(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width * Petal.Length,
region = TRUE,
col.regions = hcl.colors(110, palette = "spectral", rev = F),
contour = FALSE) +
layer_(panel.2dsmoother(..., n = 400, method = 'loess',
args = list(span = 0.2)))