I am working to set up my first minting site with Candy Machine V2 and have a couple of functionality questions I have not been able to find answers to:
Is there a way to define a date/time when the whitelist mint can begin? Right now it allows me to mint if I have a whitelist token anytime before the go-live date..even if that go-live date is a week away. So Candy Machine says the white list is 7 days away but I can still mint if I have a whitelist token. I only want white list minters to be able to mint one hour before the go-live date. How can this be done?
Can I set multiple white list time frames? So white list mint group #1 starts 2 hours before the public mint and then white list group #2 starts 1 hour before the public mint?
Help is appreciated! Thanks
use this setting first:
"whitelistMintSettings": {
"mode": {
"burnEveryTime": true
"mint": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"presale": false,
"discountPrice": null
this will only allow whitelist selling after the goLiveDate. When you want to end the whitelist selling, make it public, update candy machine with:
"whitelistMintSettings": null
Don't delete it, just give a null value, otherwise the transaction will fail.