Assuming you want free solutions, here are a few that come to mind.
- DDoS-Guard - A lot of sites use this as a Cloudflare proxy alternative, but recently their free plan has popped off their site. It didn't have any strict/hard limits. It may come back, so have put it here if it's temporary.
- OVH SSL Gateway - Haven't heard there being any limitations either, this one is open to the public for free. Has 2 proxy locations currently.
- G-Core Labs - Up to 1TB bandwidth/month for free, a lot of PoPs.
- YAKUCAP - Up to 1TB/month bandwidth free.
- Bitmitigate - Up to 100GB+/month website traffic and protected bandwidth, free.
- ArvanCloud - Up to 100 GB Traffic/mo, but country availability limited.
- Namecheap's FREE CDN - up to 50GB/mo traffic.
- Hostry's Global CDN - 39 PoPs, up to 10GB/mo traffic with an overusage charge.
Self-hosted/other solutions that come to mind, if your not a fan of using provided services.
- Oracle provides 24GB RAM ARM VPS as part of their free plan, with various limitations (involves network limitations). Could host things using Oracle, as traffic is DDoS protected. Doesn't necessarily hide your IP, but you could use the IP on the VPS to act as a proxy to your actual webserver.
- Self-hosted DNS (isn't recommended due to uptime, anycast networks that cover the DNS, etc) - had a brief look, is one option, providing a secure self-hosted DNS. Seems like it's updated recently which may be what people are looking for.