For fetching data from databases, I usually see people create a class in
and they migrate it, and then they fetch data from databases and show it on the front-end.
my question is, i already have a database which has student_info
table and has lots of data.
I don't want to define student_info
class in
and do migration. Instead, since i already have student_info
data in sql database
. so I want to fetch it directly. can i do so?
one method i know of doing the same, is directly connecting sql server in
and fetching the data and passing it as variable
in index.html
. But the problem is, it fetches data only once, and if i refresh the page where local server is running, all the content will disappear, and server will report Broken pipe from ('', 59579)
and to see the data, again i need to restart the sever.
Kindly looking for a better approach to show data on front-end from the existing databases
What you could do is a simple thing for the solution.
Create a StudentData(models.Model) class which will store your data in them as model objects And define all the attributes/ columns in models according to the data and which is in the student_info table.
Write a simple script ( using pymysql ) to retrive all the data from the student_table , store it in text file . ( This part is easy )
take that text file and now in your django project , run a shell command or create a new script to transfer the text_file student data to model objects and save them . Now you have your data .
I think this will work fine . If you also want code . I'll include it.
The code for the solution :
An Update : I have used pymysql for this scripts , i think mysqlconnector will also do the work.
Create a folder inside your project named "Creating Database model" ( you can choose whatever you want but I created the files and all script inside this folder )
first_file : "data"
import pymysql as psql
import os
connection = psql.connect(
user = "root" ,
password = os.environ.get("MYSQL_PASSWORD") ,
database = "college" ,
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from student") ;
data_text_file = open("Creating Database model/text_data.txt" , "w")
for row in cursor :
temp_string = ""
for data in row :
temp_string+= "{} ".format(str(data))
Enter your password for connection. Here I am using college database which has student table with some student data . Then I am creating a file text_data.txt which will have the text data of the table . I used string formatting here for convinence and better retrival of data on the other side.
My student table schema has five fields : id , first_name, last_name , age , branch
so my according to this database is here . You create your own according to your requirement.
from django.db import models
class StudentData(models.Model) :
first_name = models.CharField(max_length = 100 , required = True)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length = 100 , required = True)
age = models.IntegerField(max_length = 100 , required = True)
branch = models.CharField(max_length = 100 , required = True)
def __str__(self) :
return "{} {}".format(first_name , last_name)
second file : "data entry in"
This file takes data and then saves it to the model . And you get your database in django .
with open("Creating Database model/text_data.txt") as f :
data =
new_data_list = []
data = data.split("\n")
new_data_list = []
for i in data :
temp_list = i.split(" ")[:-1]
data = new_data_list[:-1]
for i in data :
student_info = StudentModel(
first_name = i[1] ,
last_name = i[2] ,
age = i[3] ,
branch = i[4]
These all are within the "Creating Database model" folder.
This will do all the work you require. Make sure to debug and understand before committing to database.