I am trying to set the tintList programatically in the Android app for both imageView and textView. The code works for imageView but dosent work for textView. I have tried using the following code.
//Defining myColorStateList
myColorStateList = new ColorStateList(
new int[][]{
new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_selected},
new int[]{android.R.attr.state_selected}
new int[]{
//Works for imageView
//The TextView picks up the tintList defined in xml, dosent apply the one being set programatically
What I have tried so far: In al cases the tintList defined in the myTextView resource file is being used, its not changed to the one being set programatically. I am looking to update the tint list for both imageView and the textView.
I am using the colorStateList here so that the views change colors when selected and unselected.
Thanks for looking and your time.
was the appropriate API to be used for the TextView in this case