extends Node
onready var box_container: BoxContainer = $VBoxContainer
var stage = 0 setget on_stage_change
var timer = 0.0
func on_stage_change(new_value):
if new_value > 5:
stage = 5
stage = new_value
func _process(delta):
if stage > 5:
var file: Dictionary = loadjson()
handle_message(file, timer)
if timer == 0.0:
timer += delta
func handle_message(file: Dictionary, timer: float):
var json = file[String(stage)]
if json["sender"] == "system":
elif json["sender"] == "boss":
add_boss_message(json["message"], timer)
print(timer) # is > 1
print("currently not handled")
func add_boss_message(message: String, timer: float):
var current_label = box_container.get_child(box_container.get_child_count()-1)
if is_most_recent_message_typing() and timer > 1:
current_label.text = message
stage += 1
timer = 0.0
print(timer) #is zero
elif not is_most_recent_message_typing():
var label = Label.new()
label.modulate = Color(1, 0, 0)
label.text = "[typing]"
print(timer) # is zero
func is_most_recent_message_typing():
#timer = 0
if box_container.get_child(box_container.get_child_count()-1).text == "[typing]":
return true
return false
func loadjson():
var file: File = File.new()
file.open("Messages.json", File.READ)
var json_file = parse_json(file.get_as_text())
return json_file
func add_system_message(message: String):
var label = Label.new()
label.text = message
label.modulate = Color(1, 0, 0)
stage += 1
for some reason my timer never returns to zero, despite me setting it. I have tracked the execution of the program, and found out that the timer resets to > 1 after the add_boss_message is executed.
Could someone please tell me why the variable isn't returning to 0
Using the latest stable version of godot on steam
UnholySheep gave the answer in a comment:
is a local variable. It is not the same as the member variabletimer
of your script class. Why did you pass it as an argument to your functions instead of working on the member directly?