So I want to parse one page and it has several items with following structure:
<span itemprop="telephone" [class]="revealtel?'':'invisible'" class="">11111111</span>
<span itemprop="telephone" [class]="revealmainfax?'':'invisible'" class="">222222222</span>
I am using Scrapy and CSS selectors to parse data. But I cannot understand how to get tel or fax numbers. Itemprop is the same in both cases, so it cannot be used. So, how to select element with [class]="revealtel?'':'invisible'
or [class]="revealmainfax?'':'invisible'
Maybe not using CSS Selectors, but Xpath? I am not strong with Xpaths though...
Thanks in advance for helping me :)
Using xpath to get a list of all text from elements with telephone
as itemprop.
faxnum = None
telnum = None
numbers = response.xpath('//span[@itemprop="telephone"]')
for element in numbers:
text = element.extract()
if'revealmainfax', text):
faxnum = element.xpath('./text()')
telnum = element.xpath('./text()')