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JSF h:datatable + f:ajax (requestscoped, Backing Component)

I have to create a datatable component (as Backing Component). The pagination (<h:commandLink> outside of <h:dataTable>) and sorting (<h:commandLink> in <f:facet name="header">) works fine. But now i would like to add a delete function for each row. Some part of my code in my faclet(<cc:implementation>) looks like this:

<h:form id="form">
    <h:dataTable id="table" value="#{cc.paginationPage.listings}" var="user">
            <f:facet name="header">Delete</f:facet>                 
            <h:commandLink id="btn">
                <f:param value="#{cc.paginationPage.sortedColumn}" name="sorting_column"/>
                <f:param value="#{cc.paginationPage.sortedColumnDirection}" name="sorting_direction"/>
                <f:param value="#{cc.paginationPage.currentPage}" name="pagination_page"/>
                <f:param value="#{}" name="user_id"/>
                <f:ajax execute="@form" event="click" render="@form" listener="#{cc.delete}" />

cc.delete is a function in my bean (FacesComponent) and looks like this:

public void delete(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {

The problem is that listener in <f:ajax> is ignored. The ajax calls only the init function in the bean (set with <f:event listener="#{cc.init}" type="preRenderView"></f:event>). There's no error or exception. Even if i try to call something like listener="#{cc.doesentExist}".

I believe my problem is in point 4. of BalusC's list (same like kavain's problem in the comments). But i dont know how to fix it, cos i dont can change my bean to ViewScoped. So, how can I get the <h:commandLink> working in this scenario? Could anyone please help me?

PS: Unfortunately i can only use plain JSF (2.3) (no frameworks like primefaces etc. allowed).



  • If i add a binding to the <h:datatable> and set the value of the <h:datatable> in the init() function in facescomponent, quite similar like in this example it works, but im not sure if this is the way to go, but it worked.