I have a commit number , and I want to get all the file from the commit number and then display them in a text file, where latter on, I will loop in the file and checkout each of them.
I have manage to do it with the following command :
git show --pretty="" --name-only commit_no >> cpath.txt
The problem is that If a filename contains special char like in the picture:
The filename is interpreted wrongly in the text file , thus when checking it out will failed. Here is how it is showing :
"force-app/main/default/layouts/Campaign-DM Campagne Locale M\303\250re.layout-meta.xml" force-app/main/default/layouts/Campaign-DM Sous-Campagne Locale.layout-meta.xml "force-app/main/default/layouts/Campaign-Validation Campagne m\303\250re.layout-meta.xml"
Is there a parameter I need to use whe using the git show command to inteprete the filename with special as it is originally ?
If not then how to replace the special char in there automatically ?
Came across a post where the solution is working for me : How to show properly accents in git diff output
I had to setup my git config using following command :
git config core.quotepath off
Thus, git will not replace the special char