I'm getting this error, and i know it's because of a line of code where I listen for data from Provider class, so, first question is, does changeNotifier call setState() when it needs to notifyListeners, or is it Provider calling setState or markNeedsBuild, I'm confused, also, please how to solve it, here is my code
here is where I'm using it
icon: Badge(
Provider.of<NotificationsModel>(context, listen: false).unSeen > 0, // this is the problem
badgeContent: Text(
Provider.of<NotificationsModel>(context, listen: false).unSeen.toString(), // and this
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontFamily: kFontFamily,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
fontSize: Dimensions.font7,
child: Icon(dModel.index == 2
? Icons.notifications
: Icons.notifications_paused_outlined),
label: 'Notifications'),
and here is unseen in changeNotifier class
int get unSeen {
int notSeen = 0;
for(Notification notification in _notifications) {
if(notification.isSeen == false) {
return notSeen;
so, please, how can i make it stop trying to build or whatever it's doing, Thanks
Wrap your notifyListeners();
inside a Future.delayed(Duration.zero, notifyListeners);
this happens when you notifyListeners();
during the build screen process which will fire this exception because you are trying to update your UI while the initial UI is not built yet