I have this whirl function that I want to run along side with my main code. How do I call Whirl
without waiting for it to return a reply?
;; Global variable
(setq *bWhirl* nil)
;; Test function
(defun C:fcnTest01()
;; Run without waiting for return
(Whirl "Working..." "Done")
;; Code
(princ "\nRuns program.\n")
(command "DELAY" "5000")
;; Finalizing
(setq *bWhirl* nil)
);defun C:fcnTest01
;; Whirl function
(defun Whirl (sFrontText sEndText / rWhirl)
;; Validation
(if (/= (type sFrontText) 'STR)(progn
(princ "\nThe input variable is not a string variable.")
;; Initializing
(setq rCmdEcho (getvar "CMDECHO"))(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setq *bWhirl* T)
(terpri); Prevents clearing any previously entered strings
;; Looping until changed
(while *bWhirl*
(if rWhirl
(setq rWhirl (1+ rWhirl))
(setq rWhirl 1)
(if (> rWhirl 4)(setq rWhirl 1))
(princ (strcat "\r" sFrontText (cond
((= rWhirl 1)"-")
((= rWhirl 2) "\\")
((= rWhirl 3) "|")
((= rWhirl 4) "/")
)));princ <- strcat <- cond
(command "DELAY" "500")
;; Finalizing
(if (= (type sEndText) 'STR)
(princ (strcat "\r" sFrontText sEndText))
(princ (strcat "\r" sFrontText))
(setvar "CMDECHO" rCmdEcho)
);defun Whirl
This `Whirl` function was modified from [ExcelDraw.lsp][1].
[1]: https://github.com/yyxuxyy/autolisp/blob/master/DrawExcel.lsp
AutoLISP does not support multiple threads - programs are executed in 'series' using a single processor thread. As such, this is unfortunately not possible.