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Karaf How to implement changes to a bundle made in features.xml file without reinstalling

In my features.xml file I modified a custom bundle to use a Pax URL Wrap in order to dynamically Import dependencies. I changed the below line:

<bundle start-level='78'>mvn:abc.def/aid/1.1</bundle>


<bundle start-level='78'>wrap:mvn:abc.def/aid/1.1\$DynamicImport-Package=*&amp;overwrite=merge;</bundle>

I was able to confirm this worked by running the following commands from karaf prompt:

karaf@root> uninstall <aid id>
karaf@root> install -s wrap:mvn:abc.def/aid/1.1\$DynamicImport-Package=*&overwrite=merge;

Doing that worked but defeated the purpose of modifying my features.xml file. Is there a way to update my currently installed aid bundle without having to restart it?

Things I tried include

  1. restarting karaf

karaf@root> features:refreshurl

karaf@root> osgi:update

karaf@root> osgi:restart


  • It has been a while ... but you might try:

    features:install yourfeature

    The new features:install you