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Get "Vips::Error Exception: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1440" in ActiveStorage custom alalyzer

My custom analyzer

class BlurhashAnalyzer < ActiveStorage::Analyzer::ImageAnalyzer::Vips
  def metadata
    read_image do |image|
      if rotated_image?(image)
        { width: image.height, height: image.width }
        { width: image.width, height: image.height }
      end.merge blurhash(image)


  def blurhash(vips_image)
    # Create a thumbnail first, otherwise the Blurhash encoding is very slow
    processed_image = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(vips_image).resize_and_pad(200, 200).call
    thumbnail = ::Vips::Image.new_from_file processed_image.path

      blurhash: Blurhash.encode(
        thumbnail.height,, 0, thumbnail.width, thumbnail.height).unpack('C*')
  rescue StandardError => e
    raise e if Rails.env.development?
    Rails.logger.error "Error while encoding Blurhash: #{e}"

exception in blurhash method

(process:29640): VIPS-WARNING **: 17:25:01.323: error in tile 0 x 120
*** Vips::Error Exception: VipsJpeg: out of order read at line 1440

But if I create a new Vips::Image with the same file, it works:

(byebug) ImageProcessing::Vips.source(::Vips::Image.new_from_file vips_image.filename).resize_and_pad(200, 200).call

(byebug) ImageProcessing::Vips.source(::Vips::Image.new_from_file vips_image.filename, access: :sequential).resize_and_pad(200, 200).call

I checked Rails 7.0.3 Analyzer::ImageAnalyzer::Vips source code:

    def read_image
        download_blob_to_tempfile do |file|
          require "ruby-vips"

          image = instrument("vips") do
            ::Vips::Image.new_from_file(file.path, access: :sequential)

it's the same way to create Vips::Image as I did above, but if I use it directly will get the exception.

I know this issue is related to, but I did not rotate here.


  • This happens when you open an image in streaming mode but then try to read from it more than once.

    There's a chapter in the docs with some background:

    For example, if you process a file like this:

    image = Vips::Image.new_from_file "something.jpg", access: :sequential
    image = 255 - image
    image.write_to_file "something-inverted.jpg"

    libvips will delay all computation until the final write_to_file, and then stream the image. The decode, process and reencode will all execute at the same time and in parallel, and it will only keep a small part of the image in memory.

    The downside is that you can only do one-shot processing. This will fail for example:

    image = Vips::Image.new_from_file "something.jpg", access: :sequential
    image = 255 - image
    image.write_to_file "something-inverted.jpg"
    avg = image.avg()

    Since you can't compute the average after the pipeline has executed because the image has been read, processed and disposed, and there are no pixels left.

    If you use the default random-access mode, it works fine:

    image = Vips::Image.new_from_file "something.jpg"
    image = 255 - image
    image.write_to_file "something-inverted.jpg"
    avg = image.avg()

    Now the JPG file will be decoded to a memory array, only the process and save will run in parallel, and the pixels will still be there to compute the average later.

    In your case, the image has been opened in sequential mode but you are trying to read the pixels twice. You need to either open the original in random acceess mode, or you need to do image = image.copy_memory() to make a copy in memory that you can reuse.