I have worked a solution to this problem with tidyeval
, is there a base R method?
new_col <- function(df, col_name, col_vals){
df |>
cbind(temp_name = col_vals) |>
rename({{col_name}} := temp_name)
sleep %>%
new_col(sample, "sample1") |>
new_col(condition, "condition2") |>
#> extra group ID sample condition
#> 1 0.7 1 1 sample1 condition2
#> 2 -1.6 1 2 sample1 condition2
#> 3 -0.2 1 3 sample1 condition2
#> 4 -1.2 1 4 sample1 condition2
#> 5 -0.1 1 5 sample1 condition2
#> 6 3.4 1 6 sample1 condition2
Created on 2022-06-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
This seems indirect and depends on tidyeval
concepts that are less known. This answer also uses {{}}
and this answer uses enquo()
. My solution also needs :=
Ideally, I want to map vectors of metadata (say, in a dataframe) to a matching list of dataframes/objects.
In base R
, we can use deparse/substitute
new_col <- function(df, col_name, col_vals){
cn <- deparse(substitute(col_name))
df[[cn]] <- col_vals
sleep %>%
+ new_col(sample, "sample1") |>
+ new_col(condition, "condition2") |>
+ head()
extra group ID sample condition
1 0.7 1 1 sample1 condition2
2 -1.6 1 2 sample1 condition2
3 -0.2 1 3 sample1 condition2
4 -1.2 1 4 sample1 condition2
5 -0.1 1 5 sample1 condition2
6 3.4 1 6 sample1 condition2