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Group pandas df by every n rows with most frequent entry in column y for each set of n rows

I'm working in a Python / Mesa environment and producing agent-based model output data which looks like the following:

Simulation output data

25920 rows by 11 columns. The df is sorted by the columns of which I've performed parametric runs producing all combinations of them: density, hero_prob, malevolent, tipping_point, agi_gain

The parameter space is 2592 and with 10 replications per combination...thus 25920 rows. What I am trying to do is create a new df for logistic regression which condenses every 10 rows of a given parameter combination with the most frequent entry for 'Engage' remains.

Thus, I'd end up a new 2592 x 11 df where the first row would be the same as the row with RunId value 2 above since all of those 'Engage' entries are False. A later parameter set with 7 True and 3 False would condense to a row with those parameter settings and True in the engage column for example. I tried the following code:

df_grouped = df_sorted.groupby(['density','hero_prob','malevolent','tipping_point','agi_gain'])['Engage'].agg(pd.Series.mode).to_frame()

But the results confuse me and I only have an Engage column, not the parameter settings. And agi_gain appears combined:

Confusing results That structure isn't like my original df, which is what I'm trying to circle back to, but just condensed with the most common 'Engage' result.

Bonus: In the event of 5 True, 5 False for a given parametric combination an "Engage" entry of "Tie" would be amazing. Thank you as always to this amazing community.


  • Since parameters in the group are all the same, it is possible to just use mode:


    For the tie support, an aggregation function would look something like:

    def tie_mode(series):
        counts = series.value_counts()
        if len(counts) == 1:  # a parameter column or all same results
            return next(iter(series))
        if counts.get(False) == counts.get(True):
            return 'tie'
        return counts.get(True, 0) > counts.get(False, 0)