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Receiving a full image from a TCP socket communication

I have a TCP communication where my client continuously sends images as a byte array to a server and receives a response back, my problem is that when the server receives the images they are not done being received even though I've added a flag to indicate the end of the image. I'd like to know a better way to ensure that the image file is received completely before receiving a new one

EDIT: My new attempt:

import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import base64
import socket
def main(data):
    s = socket.socket()
    s.connect(("", 999))

    decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data)


    b_data = b''
    while True:
        txt_data = s.recv(2048)
        if not txt_data: break
        b_data += txt_data
        print('response received from the server: ' + b_data.decode())
    return b_data.decode()

import socket
from PIL import Image
import io
import numpy as np
import cv2
import uuid

IP = ''
PORT = 999

with socket.socket() as s:
    count = 0
    print ('The server is ready')
    while True:
        con, addr = s.accept()
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4())
        count = count + 1
        img_dir = 'C:/Users/my_user/stream_images/'
        img_format = '.png'
        with con:
            img = b''
            while True:
                data = con.recv(2048)
                if not data:
                img += data
            image_name = img_dir+'frame'+str(count)+img_format
            pil_image = io.BytesIO(img)
            img = np.array(
            img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
            cCode = str('Thank you for connecting')
            print("called con.sendall")
            cv2.imshow('frame', img)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Currently, I am now able to fully send the images and receive them properly at the server, the only problem is that I am no longer sending a response back after the image is received, so there is something wrong with how I am receiving the reply message at the client side.


  • As user207421 suggested you can shutdown the socket for writing after sending the image on the client-side while still being able to receive an confirmatory answer from the server. Another problem you're facing here is the blocking nature of cv2.waitKey, which essentially halts the server until the user presses q in the cv2 window (the server will not be able to handle any other requests). I'd generally recommend to separate your network/IO logic from user interface logic. To circumvent the blocking behaviour of I've implemented a very basic image_viewer, which waits for incoming images in a thread that runs separately from the server loop by passing images through a Queue.

    The client code looks as follows:

    import socket
    from PIL import Image
    def send_image(img: Image, host: str = '', port: int = 999):
        s = socket.socket()
        s.connect((host, port))
        img_data = img._repr_png_()
        s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)  # close socket for writing, receiving is still possible
        print(f'Sent {len(img_data) / 1024:,.1f} kB of image data.')
        b_data = b''
        while recv_data := s.recv(2048):
            b_data += recv_data
        print(f'Server response: {b_data.decode()}')
        # maybe check server response for server side errors etc. and add return value for this function?
    # use like: send_image('test.png'))

    The server code is:

    import io
    import queue
    import socket
    import threading
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    from PIL import Image
    def image_viewer(q: queue.Queue):
        while True:
                img_name, img = q.get(block=True, timeout=.1)  # poll every 0.1 seconds
                print(f'Image viewer: displaying `{img_name}`!')
                cv2.imshow('Image preview', img)
            except queue.Empty:
                ...  # no new image to display
            key = cv2.pollKey()  # non-blocking
            if key & 0xff == ord('q'):
                print('Image viewer was closed')
    def serve_forever(host: str, port: int, img_dir: str = 'C:/Users/my_user/stream_images/', img_format: str = '.png'):
        q = queue.Queue()
        img_viewer = threading.Thread(target=image_viewer, args=(q,))
        with socket.socket() as s:
            s.bind((host, port))
            count = 0
            print('The server is ready')
            while True:
                conn, addr = s.accept()
                count = count + 1
                img_name = img_dir + 'frame' + str(count) + img_format
                print (f'Client connected: {addr}')
                img = b''
                while data := conn.recv(2048):
                    img += data
                conn.sendall('Thank you for connecting'.encode())  # maybe use return codes for success, error etc.?
                pil_img =  # might want to save to disk?
                np_img = np.asarray(pil_img)
                np_img = cv2.rotate(np_img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
                q.put((img_name, np_img))
                print (f'Client at {addr} disconnected after receiving {len(img) / 1024:,.1f} kB of data.')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        serve_forever('', 999)