I am in the process of inserting a MP4 video (which is already converted to H.264 to make it compatible with Chrome and other websites) on a personal website based on HTML 5 using following code:
<video controls >
<source src="MultiUSV_Trim_MP4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
But what I am getting is:
The video is not working on Chrome Browser. I haven't tried to open and test my webpage on other browsers but see from other reviews that the video might work in other browsers. I am looking for a solution which is compatible with all browsers and work with all browsers.
I tried with Firefox Browser the webpage and here is result:
Any further directions will be appreciated.
This is the starting path to your page's files (so just add required filename at ending):
Try as:
<video controls="" width="800" height="500" muted="" loop="" autoplay="">
<source src="https://github.com/YogangSingh/YogangSingh.github.io/raw/main/MultiUSV_Trim_MP4.mp4" type="video/mp4">