I have always used the Solana-labs / token-list
repo on Github (https://github.com/solana-labs/token-list) to upload an image and name to the tokens I've created via the console, which was nice and easy. But when I went to upload a new one last night I noticed the repo is read-only as of June 20. I am wondering what the alternative way is to get a name and image associated with my existing WL SPL-token so it doesn't appear as unknown in peoples' wallets.
I've always created whitelist tokens to be used with candy machine in the console with these commands:
spl-token create-token --decimals 0
spl-token create-account <token-key>
spl-token mint <token-key> 5 <token-wallet>
And then used that as my whitelist key in the config.json.
Is there a way to register the same way somewhere else? The two current options noted in the Readme (https://app.strataprotocol.com/launchpad/manual/new and https://token-creator-lac.vercel.app/) look to help you create a new token that is not already registered. But can I go this route if I want this token to be a Whitelist token used in the Candy Machine?
I think this is my last blocker as of now. I am just wanting to confirm another route that someone knows will work during a live minting to ensure the whitelist works as expected. Any help is appreciated as always.
Token-List is deprecated as of June 20, 2022.
The process is much simpler now, and it takes seconds rather than hours/days. You need to create new Token Metadata using Metaplex Fungible Token Metadata Standard: https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/token-metadata/token-standard#the-fungible-standard
You can find the technical details here: https://github.com/jacobcreech/Token-Creator#creating-a-solana-token
For a form-like way to create SPL-tokens, visit StrataProtocol launchpad: https://app.strataprotocol.com/launchpad/manual/new
There is also a demo page built by Jacob Creech: https://token-creator-lac.vercel.app
And yes, using either of the above ways, you can create an SPL-token which can be used as a WL token for you candy machine.
If you already have a token and want to add metadata to it, you can do so as shown here: https://github.com/jacobcreech/Token-Creator#adding-the-token-metadata