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How to pass termination checking when recursing using map?

I have some Agda code like the following (trimmed down to focus on what I believe is the issue, which is the recursion using map):

open import Data.List using (List; map)

data Foo : Set where
  Bar : List Foo → Foo

data Foo2 : Set where
  Bar2 : List Foo2 → Foo2

process : Foo → Foo2
process (Bar x) = Bar2 (map process x)
Termination checking failed for the following functions:
Problematic calls:
    (at {...}/Foo.agda:10,29-36)

How do I convince Agda that this function terminates (ideally in a simple way)?


  • Unfortunately currently the only safe solution is to add a mutually defined version of map that is specialised.

    {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
    open import Agda.Builtin.List
    data Foo : Set where
      Bar : List Foo → Foo
    data Foo2 : Set where
      Bar2 : List Foo2 → Foo2
    process : Foo → Foo2
    process′ : List Foo → List Foo2
    process (Bar x) = Bar2 (process′ x)
    process′ [] = []
    process′ (f ∷ fs) = process f ∷ process′ fs