I have to check few conditions from the yaml file given below:
provider: sockets
delayed_free_threads: 0
ATL_threads: 0
ATL_queue_size: 1000
ATL_data_size: 1024
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam5:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth0
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam4:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth1
memory_type: volatile
fam_path: /dev/shm/vol_path
rpc_interface: fam3:8793
libfabric_port: 7500
if_device: eth1
Here are the conditions that I want to check: 1.If the rpc_interface is same. 2.If rpc_interface is same, is fam_path same? 3.If rpc_interface is same, is libabric_port same?
Here's the code that i tried:
def compare():
host_port = {}
fam_path_list = {}
libabric_port_list ={}
file_in = Path(r'C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop\toold\fam_memoryserver_config.yaml')
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
data = yaml.load(file_in)
for machine, config in data.values():
if 'rpc_interface' not in config:
print(f'machine {machine} has no "rpc_interface"');
host_port.setdefault(con['rpc_interface'], set()).add(machine)
fam_path_list.setdefault(config['fam_path'], set()).add(machine)
libabric_port_list.setdefault(config['libfabric_port'], set()).add(machine)
# check if host_port has any values that have more than one machine
for hp, machine_nrs in host_port.items():
if len(machine_nrs) == 1:
j=[str(x) for x in machine_nrs]
print(f'Found {hp} in machines: {", ".join(j)}')
for hp, machine_nrs in fam_path_list.items():
if len(machine_nrs) == 1:
k=[str(x) for x in machine_nrs]
print(f'Found {hp} in machines: {", ".join(k)}')
for hp, machine_nrs in libabric_port_list.items():
if len(machine_nrs) == 1:
l=[str(x) for x in machine_nrs]
print(f'Found {hp} in machines: {", ".join([str(x) for x in machine_nrs])}')
def removeElements(j, k):
return ', '.join(map(str, j)) in ', '.join(map(str, k))
if (removeElements(j, k)==True) :
print(f'The memory servers {j}, have the same fam_path, hence Validation failed!')
print('Only the rpc_interface of the machines are same, hence Validation failed!')
def removeElements(j, l):
return ', '.join(map(str, j)) in ', '.join(map(str, l))
if (removeElements(j, l)==True) :
print(f'The memory servers {j}, have the same libfabric_port, hence Validation failed!')
print('Only the rpc_interface of the machines are same, hence Validation failed!')
But the eror I am getting is :
for machine, config in data.values():
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
Please let me know how to correct it
Your data
is a dict (loaded from the root-level mapping in your YAML). If you iterate over data.values()
you only get the values, i.e. sockets
, 0
, etc. YOu cannot assign that to two variables.
Since you are testing on rpc_interface
you probably want to do:
for machine, config in data['Memservers'].items():