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Concurrent.futures not parallelizing loop iterations

I am trying to use concurrent.futures to process a function with multiple threads to efficiently speed up the code.

I have read their documentation and this guide but believe I may not be doing this correctly. This MRE should allow us to test a number of different string lengths and list sizes to compare performance:

import pandas as pd, tqdm, string, random
from thefuzz import fuzz, process
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def generate_string(items=10, lengths=5):
    return [''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range (lengths))] * items

def matching(a, b):
    matches = {}

    scorers = {'token_sort_ratio': fuzz.token_sort_ratio, 'token_set_ratio': fuzz.token_set_ratio, 'partial_token_sort_ratio': fuzz.partial_token_sort_ratio,
                'Quick': fuzz.QRatio, 'Unicode Quick': fuzz.UQRatio, 'Weighted': fuzz.WRatio, 'Unweighted': fuzz.UWRatio}

    for x in tqdm.tqdm(a):

        best = 0

        for _, scorer in scorers.items():
            res = process.extractOne(x, b, scorer=scorer)

            if res[1] > best:
                best = res[1]
                matches[x] = res

    return matches    

list_a = generate_string(100, 10)
list_b = generate_string(10, 5)

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
    future = executor.submit(matching, list_a, list_b)

This code runs with no error; how can I use multiple workers to execute these loops in parallel so that the code will run faster?


  • Thanks to a hint from @Anentropic, I was able to use the following change with multiprocessing

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        list_a = generate_string(500, 10)
        list_b = generate_string(500, 10)
        pool = Pool(os.cpu_count()-2)
        res =, zip(list_a, list_b))
        norm_res = matching([list_a, list_b])