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Create Update query by joining two tables with

I am trying to update one field in my postgres table by joining some conditions with another table. I referred this link, which give me a query model that relates to my scenario:

UPDATE product as p SET price = 200 FROM  product_segment as ps WHERE p.segment_id = and = 'diam'

Now I have to convert this query in to orm.Query. I tried with Join() but it doesn't seem to work .

the code I tried :

_, err := c.postgresDB.WithContext(ctx).Model(Product).
    Set("price =?", 200).
    Join("LEFT JOIN product_segment as ps").
    JoinOn(" = product.segment_id").
    Where("name =?", "diam").

How do I properly write the code to achieve desired result ???


  • After many tries, I ended up doing the below code which gave me the result I wanted.

    _, err := c.postgresDB.WithContext(ctx).Model(Product).
        Set("price =? from product_segment as ps", 200).
        Where("name =?", "diam").

    Please share if you guys have better methods.