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PowerShell - Accessing root web.config

I can't seem to find a good hint on accessing the root web.config, currently in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config. In my situation, I want to apply a few security settings to cascade down to apps (ex: disable sessionstate/compression) where ideally I'd do this in PowerShell DSC using xWebConfigProperty, or possibly raw PowerShell. If anyone has a means to retrieve this (have to use the older WebAdministration module), I'd appreciate it (or just verifying I need something more organic like gci path into xml for manipulation).


  • Changes applied to root web.config using 'MACHINE/WEBROOT'.

    You can test with something like: Get-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT' -name "mode" -filter "system.web/sessionState"