I am trying to create composer environment using terraform in GCP and i could see that its getting failed in one of the project while creating the Kubernetes cluster in autopilot mode; its working fine in other 2 projects where we deployed in the same way.
So i tried to create autopilot kubernetes cluster in manual way as well and we are not able to track what is the issue with it as it shows the below error alone:
Error while trying it from command line:
gcloud container clusters create-auto test \
--region europe-west2 \
Note: The Pod address range limits the maximum size of the cluster. Please refer to https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/flexible-pod-cidr to learn how to optimize IP address allocation. Creating cluster test in europe-west2... Cluster is being deployed...done.
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create-auto) Operation [<Operation
clusterConditions: [<StatusCondition
canonicalCode: CanonicalCodeValueValuesEnum(UNKNOWN, 2)
message: 'Failed to create cluster'>]
detail: 'Failed to create cluster'
endTime: '2022-05-31T20:00:07.8398558Z'
error: <Status
code: 2
details: []
message: 'Failed to create cluster'>
name: 'operation-1654027061293-a14298fa'
nodepoolConditions: []
operationType: OperationTypeValueValuesEnum(CREATE_CLUSTER, 1)
progress: <OperationProgress
metrics: [<Metric
intValue: 12
intValue: 12
intValue: 9
name: 'CLUSTER_DEPLOYING'>, <Metric
intValue: 9
stages: []>
selfLink: 'https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/projectid/locations/europe-west2/operations/operation-1654027061293-a14298fa'
startTime: '2022-05-31T19:57:41.293067757Z'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(DONE, 3)
statusMessage: 'Failed to create cluster'
targetLink: 'https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/projectid/locations/europe-west2/clusters/test'
zone: 'europe-west2'>] finished with error: Failed to create cluster
Service account “[email protected]” needs the role Kubernetes Engine Service Agent (roles/container.serviceAgent) which cased the k8s cluster creation to fail; after granting the permissions, we were able to create clusters