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how to pull data from a table based on date ranges?

Is it possible to have a sql query which pulls data per date and customer? Use case: Table 1 has items purchased by customers, with data of purchase Table 2 has all of the support tickets customers may have reached out for.

I am looking to filter table 2 data to customers who have purchased (in table 1) but also have contacted us either 10 days before or after the purchase.

So if Bob purchases a screw driver on 6/1/2022 (on table 1). i am looking to pull any calls from Bob between 5/21/22 to 6/10/22

A picture to help illustrate: enter image description here


  • Untested code using date range:

       support_id, customer, date_of_support, details
       table_1 AS t1
       table_2 AS t2
       t1.customer = t2.customer 
        daterange(date_of_purchase - '10 days'::interval, date_of_purchase + '10 days'::interval, '[]') @> date_of_support

    The '[]' is included in the daterange to make the upper bound inclusive. In other words it will bump the upper date up one.


    From here Date/time functions/operators this would seem to be possible in Athena/Presto:

       date_of_support BETWEEN date_of_purchase - interval '10 days' 
        AND date_of_purchase + interval '10' day;