I'm adding dynamic feature to my application.
When I try to build my bundle, I'm getting error:
All modules with native libraries must support the same set of ABIs, but module 'base' supports '[ARM64_V8A, ARMEABI_V7A, ARMEABI, MIPS, MIPS64, X86, X86_64]' and module 'Affiliate' supports '[ARM64_V8A, ARMEABI_V7A, X86, X86_64]'.
I did try to add the code to build.gradle in Dynamic Feature Module to resolve this issue:
ndk {
abiFilters.addAll(mutableSetOf("ARM64_V8A", "X86_64", "ARMEABI", "X86", "ARMEABI_V7A", "MIPS64", "MIPS"))
But not have effect, still getting error
Help!!!! how can I solve it?
Please use abiFilters
in base module too, not only in dynamic feature's gradle.
And also use lowercased filters too.
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters "ARM64_V8A", "ARMEABI_V7A", "ARMEABI", "MIPS", "X86", "X86_64"
abiFilters "arm64_v8a", "armeabi_v7a", "armeabi", "mips", "x86", "x86_64"