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Display ModalDialog on Enyo window load

I am trying to display a ModalDialog as soon as the window gets loaded, something like a license agreement for my app. It seems to work fine when triggered with a button click, but does not work when I try this:

This is in the components array of my VFlexBox kind:

{ name: "theDialog", kind: "ModalDialog", components: [
    { content: "This is a Dialog Box" },
    { layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", pack: "center", components: [
    { name: "okayButton", kind: "Button", caption: "Okay" },
    { name: "closeButton", kind: "Button", caption: "Close" }

And this is where I'm trying to show the dialog.

create: function() {

If I placed the this.$.theDialog.openAtCenter(); inside the handler of a Button's onclick event, it works absolutely fine.


  • Have you tried placing the this.$.theDialog.openAtCenter(); inside the rendered()

    Something like this:

    rendered: function() {

    Since the type is "Control" rendered should be called when the UI element is created and hence openAtCenter should be called.