I am using gurobi with gurobipy to implement a linear programm.
While implementing the following constraint, I get a failur.
With and
as indices sets.
My minimal example looks like
import gurobipy as grb
m = grb.Model()
set_I = range(2)
set_J = range(2)
set_A = range(2)
set_B = range(2)
x_vars = {(i,a,b):m.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="x_{}_{}_{}".format(i,a,b)) for i in set_I for a in set_A for b in set_B}
y_vars = {(i,j): m.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="y_{}_{}".format(i,j)) for i in set_I for j in set_J}
c_vars = {(i,j): m.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="c_{}_{}".format(i,j)) for i in set_I for j in set_J}
for i in set_I:
for j in set_J:
lhs=y_vars[i,j] * (grb.quicksum(grb.quicksum(x_vars[i,a,b] for a in set_A for b in set_B) * grb.quicksum(x_vars[j,a,b] for a in set_A for b in set_B))+1),
and creates
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\stackoverflow.py", line 17, in <module>
lhs=y_vars[i,j] * (grb.quicksum(grb.quicksum(x_vars[i,a,b] for a in set_A for b in set_B) * grb.quicksum(x_vars[j,a,b] for a in set_A for b in set_B))+1),
File "src\gurobipy\gurobi.pxi", line 3627, in gurobipy.quicksum
TypeError: 'gurobipy.QuadExpr' object is not iterable
Does anyone can help me to fix this problem and implement this constraint correctly?
You'll have to rework this. You can't do y*x*x
as that is no longer quadratic. You can reformulate using extra variables and equations:
z = x*x
I suspect you also have to rewrite the quicksum(quicksum*quicksum)
using loops.
I agree that the error message is not very informative.