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Send emails using VBA from Excel sheet with multiple recipients - pull in date and attachment

I am using VBA code to send emails from an Excel sheet:

I use code to generate a separate email for each email address in Column C with a file attached.

I am looking to add code to:

  1. Pull in the date from column D to the body of the email.
    I have put in the code for the body of the email where I want the date to go.
    How do I get the date for each email row by row.
  2. Attach an additional file to the email IF there is a link in column E.
    This would be in addition to the one already in the code.

Each row in the Excel sheet should generate a separate email using the email address in column C, date in column D and attachment in column E.


  • assume that the rest of the code works, just update the with-block to:

    With MItem
        .To = sourceWorksheet.Cells(RowIndex, 3).Value
        .Subject = "Subject Here"
        If Cells(RowIndex, 5) <> "" Then .Attachments.Add Cells(RowIndex, 5).Value
        If Cells(RowIndex, 6) <> "" Then .Attachments.Add Cells(RowIndex, 6).Value
        .HTMLBody = "<font face = ""Calibri(Body)"" font size=""3"" color=""black""><p>Good afternoon, </p>" & _
        "<p><strong>Please review the attached and return by " & Cells(RowIndex, 4) & ". </strong>  </p></font>" & .HTMLBody
    End With