I have two input image in my form, and one registerMediaConversions :
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null) : void
->crop(Manipulations::CROP_CENTER, 645, 300)
->crop(Manipulations::CROP_CENTER, 300, 300)
i want the first input do the big, medium and thumb conversions , and the second input do the small conversion, is this possible with laravel media-library ?
Yes, it is possible. To do that you must define collections as same as your input in your model. For example:
public function registerMediaCollections(): void
Then You need to register media conversion for 2 different collections as follows:
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null) : void
->crop(Manipulations::CROP_CENTER, 645, 300)
->crop(Manipulations::CROP_CENTER, 300, 300)
Let say, in your controller taking 2 field request as follows:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'files1' => 'required',
'files1.*' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,gif|max:2048',
'files2' => 'required',
'files2.*' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,gif|max:2048',
Then you can able to save those 2 types of file by:
if ($request->hasFile('files1')) {
$fileAdders = $categoryModel->addMultipleMediaFromRequest(['images'])
->each(function ($fileAdder) {
if ($request->hasFile('files2')) {
$fileAdders = $categoryModel->addMultipleMediaFromRequest(['images'])
->each(function ($fileAdder) {
At the end the files1 input request will use big, medium and thumb conversions based on collection(category-cover) and files2 input request will use only small conversion based on collection('categories-another-collection')