When visual studio starts it shows a recents list (and has one on the file menu).
Our team has VS2022 and VS2019 installed in parallel because we're migrating some solutions to .net 6 and want to leave the legacy projects maintainable on their own branches until we can release the migrated solution.
Unfortunately they show the same recent list which means that 2019 solutions are in the 2022 list and 2022 solutions are appearing in the 2019 list.
How can I stop them sharing the recents list?
Had the same issue with VS2019 and VS2022. Found a working solution that does not require any plugin.
In your VS2022 settings disable the "Synchronize Visual Studio..." setting seen in the screenshot below (Tools -> Options -> Accounts). In VS2019 there is a similar setting but disabling this only in VS2022 was enough for me.
Not sure what other behavior disabling this setting causes. But so far I haven't noticed any problems.
Source: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Recent-projects-and-solutions-for-VS2019/10039684