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Prolog function count and member by using natural numbers and it succesor

I need to program in Prolog a function that count the number of elements in a list an other that verify if an element is in the list but by using natural numbers "zero" and his succesor (s(zero)).

For example, i managed to program the analogues "take" and "drop" by using the previous restriction:

natural(zero). %we consider "zero" as a natural number
natural(s(X)) :- natural(X). %if X is a natural number, then s(X) is a natural number too

take(s(N),[X|Xs],[X|Ys]) :- take(N,Xs,Ys).


But i can't program the analogues "count" and "member" in Prolog using natural numbers, i only managed to program this functions in the usual way:

isList([_|Xs]) :- isList(Xs).

isInList(X, [X|_]).
isInList(X,[_|Xs]) :- isInList(X,Xs).

countElem([X|L],N) :- countElem(L,N2), N is N2 + 1.

I don't have too much experience in Prolog. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Example: count using peano. This avoids slow non-tail-end recursion:

    length_peano(Lst, Len) :-
        % Start at zero
        length_peano_(Lst, zero, Len).
    length_peano_([], Len, Len).
    length_peano_([_|T], Upto, Len) :-
        % Increment
        Upto1 = s(Upto),
        length_peano_(T, Upto1, Len).

    Alternatively, the more elegant (credit to slago):

    length_peano([], zero).
    length_peano([_|T], s(N)) :-
        length_peano(T, N).

    Results in swi-prolog for both:

    ?- length_peano([a,b,c], Len).
    Len = s(s(s(zero))).
    ?- length_peano(Lst, Len).
    Lst = [],
    Len = zero ;
    Lst = [_],
    Len = s(zero) ;
    Lst = [_,_],
    Len = s(s(zero)) ;
    Lst = [_,_,_],
    Len = s(s(s(zero))) ;
    Lst = [_,_,_,_],
    Len = s(s(s(s(zero)))) ;