I have a SQLite database with ~30 million rows with UUIDs and a flag column (among other columns) and I want to return all UUIDs that satisfy a logical expression of the flags.
UUID | flag | ...
1 | "a" |
1 | "b" |
1 | "a" |
2 | "b" |
2 | "c" |
3 | "a" |
For example I want to return all UUIDs that have flag ("a" AND ("b" or "c")) over all rows. In the above table only UUID=1 satisfies that constraint.
This is a similar question but it only asks about the case of having all 4 flags set --- there is no disjunction --- so the solutions there don't work here.
edit: @forpas HAVING SUM
solution is what I was looking for but I ending up solving the problem by creating a user defined aggregate function before I saw it.
You can use aggregation with the conditions in the HAVING
FROM tablename
HAVING SUM(flag = 'a') > 0
AND SUM(flag IN ('b', 'c')) > 0;
You can add as many conditions as you want.
See the demo.