I am trying to debug a value that is System::String
. As I am using Visual Studio, I would normally use OutputDebugString
or its variants to see the strings, but System::String
aren't natively compatible with OuputDebugString
How do I convert a System::String
to a value that OuputDebugString
can print? Or an alternative tool for viewing System::string values?
In case it matters, this is specifically a System::String^
System::Diagnostics::Trace::WriteLine(L"Your message");
String^ s = gcnew String(L"Your message");
class is internally implemented using OutputDebugString
. If you need to use OutputDebugString
directly, you can use PtrToStringChars
already mentioned in another answer.
Additional way:
String^ s = gcnew String(L"Your message\n");
std::wstring ws = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::wstring>(s);