I am trying to mock Dio's get method. The mock is working fine as per my test. However, when calling inside the test type 'Null
' is not a subtype of type 'Future<Response<dynamic>>
I have called newsApi.get('/top-headlines')
during test as well. And, I can assure it that the mock is returning data fine. But for unknown reasons, the call inside NewsService
is giving null
. Could you please guide me in solving the issue?
Filename: services/news.dart
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/enums/news_category.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/enums/news_country.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/models/articles.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/models/error.dart';
import '../main.dart';
class NewsService {
final Dio newsApi;
NewsService({required this.newsApi});
Future<dynamic> getArticlesByCategory(
NewsCategory category, {
int page = 1,
int pageSize = 100,
NewsCountry country = NewsCountry.US,
}) async {
final response = await newsApi.get('top-headlines', queryParameters: {
'category': category.name,
'country': country.name.toLowerCase(),
'page': page,
'pageSize': pageSize,
await newsApi.get('top-headlines', queryParameters: {
'category': category.name,
'country': country.name.toLowerCase(),
'page': page,
'pageSize': pageSize,
}).then((response) {
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
if (response.data['status'] == 'ok') {
return Articles.fromJson(response.data);
} else {
return Error.fromJson(response.data);
} else if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.unauthorized) {
return Error.fromJson(response.data);
} else {
return Future.error(
'Failure processing request. Please try again later.');
}, onError: (error) {
return Future.error(error);
}).catchError((error) {
return error;
Filename: test/news.dart
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/enums/news_category.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/models/articles.dart';
import 'package:newsapp/services/news.dart';
import '../mocks/dio.dart';
void main() async {
group('NewsService tests', () {
late MockDio newsApi;
group('NewsService.getArticles() tests', () {
setUp(() {
newsApi = MockDio();
Future<Response> responseMethod = Future.value(Response(
data: {
"status": "ok",
"totalResults": 11207,
"articles": [
"source": {"id": "bbc-news", "name": "BBC News"},
"author": "https://www.facebook.com/bbcnews",
"title": "Indian PM Modi's Twitter hacked with bitcoin tweet",
"The Indian prime minister's account had a message stating that bitcoin would be distributed to citizens.",
"url": "https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-59627124",
"publishedAt": "2021-12-12T10:59:57Z",
"Image source, AFP via Getty Images\r\nImage caption, Modi has has more than 70 million Twitter followers\r\nIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter account was hacked with a message saying India ha… [+854 chars]"
"source": {"id": null, "name": "New York Times"},
"author": "Corey Kilgannon",
"title": "Why New York State Is Experiencing a Bitcoin Boom",
"Cryptocurrency miners are flocking to New York’s faded industrial towns, prompting concern over the environmental impact of huge computer farms.",
"publishedAt": "2021-12-06T00:42:28Z",
"The plant opening northeast of Niagara Falls this month, in Somerset, N.Y., is part of a \$550 million project by Terawulf, a Bitcoin mining company. The project also includes a proposed 150-megawatt … [+1514 chars]"
statusCode: HttpStatus.ok,
requestOptions: RequestOptions(path: '/top-headlines')));
when(() => newsApi.get(
queryParameters: any(named: 'queryParameters'),
options: any(named: 'options'),
cancelToken: any(named: 'cancelToken'),
onReceiveProgress: any(named: 'onReceiveProgress'),
)).thenAnswer((_) => responseMethod);
tearDown(() {
test('Get Articles', () async {
// Arrange
NewsService newsService = NewsService(newsApi: newsApi);
final response = await newsApi.get('/top-headlines');
final articles = Articles.fromJson(response.data);
// Act
await newsService.getArticlesByCategory(NewsCategory.business);
// Assert
verify(() => newsApi.get('/top-headlines',
queryParameters: any(named: 'queryParameters'))).called(1);
Finally I've got a working solution.
It seems that Dio needs a seperate mock library to mock itself using adapters. The library to use is http_mock_adapter: ^0.1.4
and its below is its link.
LINK: Http Mock Library
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:http_mock_adapter/http_mock_adapter.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() async {
// How to mock with DioAdapter
group('DioAdapter usage', () {
// Creating dio instance for mocking.
// For instance: you can use your own instance from injection and replace
// dio.httpClientAdapter with mocker DioAdapter
const path = 'https://example.com';
test('Expects Dioadapter to mock the data', () async {
final dio = Dio();
final dioAdapter = DioAdapter();
dio.httpClientAdapter = dioAdapter;
{'message': 'Successfully mocked GET!'}) // only use double quotes
.reply(200, {'message': 'Successfully mocked POST!'});
// Making dio.get request on the path an expecting mocked response
final getResponse = await dio.get(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked GET!'}),
// Making dio.post request on the path an expecting mocked response
final postResponse = await dio.post(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked POST!'}),
// Alternatively you can use onRoute chain to pass custom requests
test('Expects Dioadapter to mock the data with onRoute', () async {
final dio = Dio();
final dioAdapter = DioAdapter();
dio.httpClientAdapter = dioAdapter;
.onRoute(path, request: Request(method: RequestMethods.PATCH))
.reply(200, {
'message': 'Successfully mocked PATCH!'
}) // only use double quotes
.onRoute(path, request: Request(method: RequestMethods.DELETE))
.reply(200, {'message': 'Successfully mocked DELETE!'});
// Making dio.get request on the path an expecting mocked response
final patchResponse = await dio.patch(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked PATCH!'}),
// Making dio.post request on the path an expecting mocked response
final deleteResposne = await dio.delete(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked DELETE!'}),
// Also, for mocking requests, you can use dio Interceptor
group('DioInterceptor usage', () {
// Creating dio instance for mocking.
// For instance: you can use your own instance from injection and add
// DioInterceptor in dio.interceptors list
final dioForInterceptor = Dio();
final dioInterceptor =
DioInterceptor(); // creating DioInterceptor instance for mocking requests
const path = 'https://example2.com';
test('Expects Dioadapter to mock the data', () async {
// Defining request types and their responses respectively with their paths
{'message': 'Successfully mocked GET!'}) // only use double quotes
.reply(200, {'message': 'Successfully mocked POST!'});
// Making dio.delete request on the path an expecting mocked response
final getResponse = await dioForInterceptor.delete(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked GET!'}),
// Making dio.patch request on the path an expecting mocked response
final postResposne = await dioForInterceptor.patch(path);
expect(jsonEncode({'message': 'Successfully mocked POST!'}),
group('Raising the custrom Error onRequest', () {
const path = 'https://example.com';
test('Test that throws raises custom exception', () async {
final dio = Dio();
final dioAdapter = DioAdapter();
dio.httpClientAdapter = dioAdapter;
const type = DioErrorType.RESPONSE;
final response = Response(statusCode: 500);
const error = 'Some beautiful error';
// Building request to throw the DioError exception
// on onGet for the specific path
type: type,
response: response,
error: error,
// Checking that exception type can match `AdapterError` type too
expect(() async => await dio.get(path),
// Checking that exception type can match `DioError` type too
expect(() async => await dio.get(path), throwsA(TypeMatcher<DioError>()));
// Checking the type and the message of the exception
() async => await dio.get(path),
predicate((DioError e) => e is DioError && e.message == error)));