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JspException: Error reading the child resources of parent folder "/warrants/"

I am getting the following error message when I try to login to the member section of my OpenCMS website./

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Error reading the child resources of parent folder "/warrants/".

I am very new to java and cant understand whats the issue.. Can anyone please help..

Best Regards, Anz


  • I have to reference some source code even though you said you are new to java.

    ERR_READ_RESOURCES_1 is the error message that you are seeing. That means you don't have permission to access the folder content.

    Source code

             * Reads all resources below the given path matching the filter criteria,
             * including the full tree below the path only in case the <code>readTree</code> 
             * parameter is <code>true</code>.<p>
             * @param context the current request context
             * @param parent the parent path to read the resources from
             * @param filter the filter
             * @param readTree <code>true</code> to read all subresources
             * @return a list of <code>{@link CmsResource}</code> objects matching the filter criteria
             * @throws CmsSecurityException if the user has insufficient permission for the given resource (read is required)
             * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
            public List readResources(CmsRequestContext context,
                    CmsResource parent, CmsResourceFilter filter,
                    boolean readTree) throws CmsException, CmsSecurityException {
                List result = null;
                CmsDbContext dbc = m_dbContextFactory.getDbContext(context);
                try {
                    // check the access permissions
                    checkPermissions(dbc, parent, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_READ,
                            true, CmsResourceFilter.ALL);
                    result = m_driverManager.readResources(dbc, parent, filter,
                } catch (Exception e) {
          , Messages.get().container(
                            context.removeSiteRoot(parent.getRootPath())), e);
                } finally {
                return result;