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How to extract list of all zones in a CGNS file?

I am trying to use "PyCGNS" python package in conda to extract the list of all the "zones" in a CGNS file. Attached is the snapshot view of the opened file.

Here is what I want:

zone_list = [zone1, zone2, ..., zone51]

I would appreciate your help..cgns


Here is the print(tree) value:

['CGNSTree', None, [['CGNSLibraryVersion', array([3.21], dtype=float32), [], 'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'], ['Base', array([3, 3]), [['zone41', array([[ 77,  76,   0],
       [113, 112,   0],
       [ 49,  48,   0]], dtype=int64), [['ZoneType', array([b'S', b't', b'r', b'u', b'c', b't', b'u', b'r', b'e', b'd'],
      dtype='|S1'), [], 'ZoneType_t'], ['GridCoordinates', None, [['CoordinateX', array(....


  • I'm not a PyCGNS guy, but I understand HDF5 data schema, so will give it a try. :)

    The docs recommend (tree,links,paths)=CGNS.MAP.load("your.hdf") Did you try that? It returns tree which is a Python list with the CGNS tree info. As I understand, the tree describes the node structure (aka schema). Per the documentation, the node structure looks like this:

    Attribute type
    Name string
    Value numpy array
    Children list of CGNS/Python nodes
    Type string

    You could print(tree), but I think you will be swamped with output. You can interrogate the tree to find nodes named "zone*". Based on your image, I suspect all zone nodes are all children of a Node with named "Base". If so, the code will look something like this (educated guess):

    import CGNS.MAP
    (tree,links,paths) = CGNS.MAP.load("your.hdf")
    # print(f'Tree has {len(tree[2])} child nodes')
    level_1_nodes = tree[2]
    # print(f'Level 1 Node List has {len(level_1_nodes)} child nodes') 
    base_node = level_1_nodes[1]
    # print(f'Base Node List has {len(base_node[2])} child nodes') 
    zone_nodes = base_node[2]
    print(f'Zone Node List has {len(zone_nodes)} child nodes') 
    zones = [] 
    for zone in zone_nodes:
        print(f'Checking on child node: {zone[0]}')
        if 'zone' in zone[0]:
            # print(f'Zone: {zone[0]} node has {len(zone[2])} child nodes') 

    If you are familiar with List Comprehension, the last 4 lines can be simplified to:

    zones = [ z[0] for z in zone_nodes if "zone" in z[0] ] 

    Give that a try and see if solves your problem. If it's not exactly right, it should get you close.