Test example:
$mock = $this->mock(GetAll::class);
$this->actingAs($user)->json('GET', $this->generateUrl());
How does it work? I have class GetAll and that class has a setter (setCustomersQueryParametersDto) before the execute method call, I need to set my DTO class which I did first. And then I expected when running the test, that everything should be fine, but in my controller response from execute method is wrong.
Code in controller:
I didn't solve a problem that I had. It is still a mystery to me why Mockery can't execute previous code. But because I only need results from execute method, I find work around with this piece of code:
(Chain methods in Mockery documentation: http://docs.mockery.io/en/latest/reference/demeter_chains.html)
So I didn't have to bother about fields in GetAll::Class, I simply returned results and that's it. But in this case, it works, in some more complex examples, I will probably need to set a field, so it will be tricky.....