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Is it possible to generate uint64_t random numbers on GPU?

I am trying to port finite field CPU code over GPU and in the process, I would like to generate random vectors to test the speed of my functions.

I need two random vectors of uint64_t (and the corresponding two vectors of double, with float representation of finite field elements), each of size N. As far as I know, uint64_t types are not natively supported over GPU and are emulated using two 32-bit registers.

These vectors will contain integers in the range (0, p-1) where p is a prime number, e.g. (1<<25) - 39. (This prime uses 25 bits, but I still need 64 bits, to store intermediate results before remaindering).

I have tried to understand Curand API and generate random vectors with it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <curand.h>

int main() {
  uint64_t p = (1 << 25) - 39;
  const uint32_t N = (1 << 27);
  uint64_t *au;
  double *ad;
  cudaError_t handle;

  handle = cudaMallocManaged(&au, N*sizeof(uint64_t));
  handle = cudaMallocManaged(&ad, N*sizeof(double));

  curandGenerator_t gen_type;
  curandCreateGenerator(&gen_type, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A);
  curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(gen_type, (uint64_t)time(NULL));

  curandGenerateLongLong(gen_type, au, p);

  return 0;

Nvcc returns that au has an incompatible type in the curandGenerateLongLong call. According to the Curand API, I am constrained to use SOBOL64 quasirandom generator. Why is it so? Is there some pseudorandom generator for uint64_t or is a quasirandom generator adapted to my case?

If I want to avoid quasirandom generation, I am forced to generate randomly over the CPU and copy my random vectors to the GPU. Can I use the device curand library (curand_kernel.h) for my use case?


  • On linux 64-bit supported by CUDA (at least) there is no numerical difference between the representation and semantics of uint64_t and unsigned long long. I acknowledge the types are different but the difference here isn't meaningful for the use case you have shown here.

    It should be fine for you to modify your code as follows:

    curandGenerateLongLong(gen_type, (unsigned long long *)au, p);

    and you will get an array of uint64_t generated.

    (on 64-bit windows, I suspect you would not even get the error you are reporting, but I have not tested it.)