im trying to get my program to give me the color of the pixel i clicked on.
From what i understood i use the ah=0dh and int 10h to get the color of the current pixel based on the CX and DX values which represent what X and Y. I divided the CX by 2 to get the accurate position. Yet each time i get the value its always wrong.
Can anybody please help me? thanks
proc playerTurn
mov ax, 0h ;Reset mouse
int 33h
mov ax, 1h ;Display mouse to user
int 33h
mov ax, 3h ;Result to be displayed in BX, is LSB=1 Left click, if left to LSB=1 Rightclick
int 33h ;If both = 0, no click at all
;CX holds column coordinate, 0-629, must divide by 2 because graphic is 320
;DX holds row coordinate 0-199
cmp bx, 0
je click
shr cx, 1 ; divide cx by 2
mov bh, 0 ; page number = 0
mov ah, 0Dh ; get color from current CX DX and store value in AL
int 10h
cmp randomNum, 49
je checkBlue
cmp randomNum, 50
je checkGreen
cmp randomNum, 51
je checkRed
cmp randomNum, 52
je checkYellow
jmp wrong
cmp al, 69h
jne wrong
call pressBlue
jmp endTurn
cmp al, 79h
jne wrong
call pressGreen
jmp endTurn
cmp al, 70h
jne wrong
call pressRed
jmp endTurn
cmp al, 74h
jne wrong
call pressYellow
jmp endTurn
mov dx, offset wrongColor
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
playerTurn endp
While waiting for the user to either left- or right click, you should not just compare BX to zero! The bits that do not correspond to a mouse button (left=1, right=2, middle=4) are 'undefined'. This means that a mouse handler can store additional info (or even garbage) in those bits if it wanted so. The way to check for a left- or right click is:
test bx, 3
jz click ; Neither left, nor right click
Your understanding about the BIOS.ReadGraphicsPixel function 0Dh is correct. From the included tail comments, I deduce that you are working on the 320x200 256-color graphics screen. Halving the value that was returned in the CX register therefore is good. AL will contain a color value in the range [0,255].
It is possible that none of your color tests run because of that special block that you can't pass if a certain randomNum is not in the very limited range [49,52]. Only you know what purpose it serves. My guess is that your program does not pass at that point.
The color tests are using these unusual values {69h=Blue, 79h=Green, 70h=Red, 74h=Yellow} that represent pastelcolors. Are you sure those same color codes were used to draw the screen; the 'usual' values being {01h=Blue, 02h=Green, 04h=Red, 0Eh=Yellow}?
You should try next code and find out if my guess about the randomNum block was right:
proc playerTurn
mov ax, 0000h ; ResetMouse
int 33h ; -> AX BX
mov ax, 0001h ; ShowMouse
int 33h
mov ax, 0003h ; GetMousePosition
int 33h ; -> BX CX DX
test bx, 3
jz click ; Neither left, nor right click
shr cx, 1
mov bh, 0 ; page number = 0
mov ah, 0Dh
int 10h ; -> AL
mov di, OFFSET pressBlue
cmp al, 69h
je OK
mov di, OFFSET pressGreen
cmp al, 79h
je OK
mov di, OFFSET pressRed
cmp al, 70h
je OK
mov di, OFFSET pressYellow
cmp al, 74h
je OK
NOK:mov dx, OFFSET wrongColor
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
OK: jmp di ; `call di` `ret`
playerTurn endp