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How do I get the full path of a `std.fs.Dir`?

Is there any way to access the full path of a std.fs.Dir struct? I've looked through all of the methods in the source but I can't find anything that gets path-related information on the directory.


  • Zig recommends against getting the absolute path of a file/directory, and is considering removing the ability from the standard library:

    Until then:

    One option is realpath

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn main() !void {
        var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
        defer arena.deinit();
        const alloc = arena.allocator();
   "cwd: {s}", .{
            try std.fs.cwd().realpathAlloc(alloc, "."),

    realpath internally calls std.os.getFdPath and there doesn't seem to be any function on Dir that just does that right now.