I am new in the concept of monorepo. If I haven't understood incorrectly, a monorepository is a single git repository that contains all the necessary code for all the different services/libs/sub-projects of a business.
In my app, I am using React Native, Firebase and Docusaurus (for documenting both the frontend and the backend).
I have thought to use the following architecture:
| -mobile/app/ (React Native Frontend + Firebase Client SDK)
| |
| | - docs/ (JSDoc autogenerated only for frontend)
| | - components/ ...
| | - screens/ ...
| | - node_modules/ ...
| | - App.jsx
| | - index.js
| | - app.json
| | - package.json
| | - yarn.lock
| | - .eslintrc
| | - .env
| | - babel.config.js
| -functions/ (Firebase Functions serverless + Firebase Admin SDK)
| | - services/
| | - src/
| | - utils/
| | - .env
| | - package.json
| | - .eslintignore
| -website/ (Docusaurus website)
| |
| | - babel.config.js
| | - node_modules/
| | - package.json
| | - pages/...
| -.gitignore
| -.firebaserc
| -firebase.json
| -firestore.rules
| -firestore.indexes.json
As you can see, I have global files in the root of the 'monorepo' (not sure if this is a considered a monorepo), like .git/.gitignore/LICENSE.md ... Is this correct?
Is my current code organization considered a monorepository?
If I haven't understood incorrectly, a monorepository is a single git repository that contains all the necessary code for all the different services/libs/sub-projects of a business.
Yes, this is a monorepo.
See also: