I am a novice at Recoil. I have a question about Recoil asynchronous
In case of below code
const usersState = atom({
key: "userInfo",
default: { email: "", name: "" }
First, if I have to update the name of userInfo first
const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useRecoilState(usersState);
const s = { email: "[email protected]" };
setUserInfo({ ...userInfo, ...s });
And then update name of userInfo
const s2 = { name: "AJH" };
setUserInfo({ ...userInfo, ...s2 });
How can I achieve that? I took a look at atom effect, sync effect on recoil homepage, but I don't understand how to use it
my full code is at CodeSandbox
please give me a any idea
Setting state is an asynchronous action. You can however use a callback function to take the current value into account:
function handleClick() {
const s = { email: "[email protected]" };
setUserInfo((prev) => ({ ...prev, ...s }));
const s2 = { name: "AJH" };
setUserInfo((prev) => ({ ...prev, ...s2 }));