I was wondering if it was possible to deduce the return type, and parameters from a function type define.
I was hoping to do something similar:
template<class T>
struct _function_wrapper_t
[return of T] call([Args of T]....)
return (T)m_pfnFunc(Args);
void* m_pfnFunc;
int MultiplyTwoNumbers(int nNum, int nNum2)
return nNum * nNum2;
int MultiplyThreeNumbers(int nNum, int nNum2, int* pnNum3)
return nNum * nNum2 * *pnNum3;
int main()
_function_wrapper_t<decltype(&MultiplyTwoNumbers)> two(&MultiplyTwoNumbers);
_function_wrapper_t<decltype(&MultiplyThreeNumbers)> three(&MultiplyThreeNumbers);
auto ret1 = two.call(1, 2);
auto ret2 = three.call(4, 5, 8);
However I'm not sure if its possible to discern the return type and function arguments from a type of function pointer.
if you did say
typedef void*(__cdecl* fnOurFunc_t)(const char*, int, float**);
The compiler knows to use that as the type in the future, does the same apply further to templates? This is needed for a VERY specific use case.
Thanks in advance!
The simple solution is to let the compiler deduce return type and let the caller pass the right types (and fail to compile when they don't):
template<class T>
struct _function_wrapper_t
template <typename ...U>
auto call(U&&... t)
return m_pfnFunc(std::forward<U>(t)...);
T m_pfnFunc;
If you do not like that you can use partial specialization:
template<class T>
struct _function_wrapper_t;
template <typename R,typename...Args>
struct _function_wrapper_t<R(*)(Args...)>
R call(Args...args)
return m_pfnFunc(args...);
using f_type = R(*)(Args...);
f_type m_pfnFunc;
PS: perfect forwarding is also possible in the latter case but it requires some boilerplate that I left out for the sake of brevity.