Given an enum:
CREATE TYPE CONTENT_TYPE AS ENUM ('video', 'article', 'audio');
How should I update the my HSX Form selectField
to support Maybe ContentType
formFor subscription [hsx|
{selectField #contentType allContentTypes}
allContentTypes = allEnumValues @ContentType
The CanSelect
instance is defined as follows:
instance CanSelect (Maybe ContentType) where
type SelectValue (Maybe ContentType) = Maybe ContentType
selectValue (Just value) = Just value
selectValue Nothing = Nothing
selectLabel (Just groupType) = tshow contentType
selectLabel Nothing = "none selected"
Your CanSelect instance looks correct. The list of allContentTypes
should have a type of [Maybe ContentType]
. You can wrap the content types with a Just
constructor by mapping it over the list: e.g. fmap Just allContentTypes
and passing the wrapped list to selectField