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Illegal argument in isolate message: (object is a ReceivePort)

I was trying to write my own worker to process big amount of numbers. And decided to make always working Isolate in which all my data would be processed.

class ProjectionWorker {

  Isolate? _isolate;

  ReceivePort? _workerPort;

  Stream? _workerResultStream;

  SendPort? _isolatePort;

  Future<ObjectModel> project(
    ObjectModel model,
    ProjectionData projectionData,
  ) async {
    _workerPort ??= ReceivePort();

    _isolate ??= await Isolate.spawn<SendPort>(
      debugName: "flutter_object calculations",

    _workerResultStream ??= _workerPort!.asBroadcastStream();

    _isolatePort ??= await _workerResultStream!.first;

    final Completer<ObjectModel> completer = Completer();

      (result) {
        if (result is ObjectModel) completer.complete(result);


    return completer.future;

void _isolateScope(SendPort port) async {
  final isolatePort = ReceivePort();


  await for (final event in isolatePort) {


But when I tried to use it in my custom RenderObject, in paint method:

  Future<void> _projectObject({
  }) async {
    _projectedObject = await _projectionWorker.project(

I am receiving this:

Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Illegal argument in isolate message: (object is a ReceivePort)

And exception throws from this line of code:

...          👇

Am I missing something here?


  • I just figured it out.

    It seems stupid, but it worked out for me, so I hope, it would help somebody else.

    In my isolateScope function ReceivePort gets tuple with ObjectModel and ProjectionData

    ProjectionData was containing Size property in it, and ObjectModel had Color property.

    I cut that both properties out and replaced it with just double or List.

    And it just worked out.

    It seems, that isolate somehow gets RecievePort by importing flutter/material.dart.