I am looking for a PowerShell function like Get-LocalizedName($FilePath)
, returning the localized name of a file or its filename if it is not localized. I know that the localized names are stored in the LocalizedFileNames
section of the respective desktop.ini
files, but usually as resource file pointers rather than clear names.
Example: For the Administrative Tools folder and the locale de-DE, I want the clear name Windows-Verwaltungsprogramme instead of @%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21762
I was not able to find such a function, and also was not successful in analyzing the attributes of Get-ChildItem
or google a regarding solution.
Is there any such function that I could use from PowerShell (v7)?
I finally found a solution for Get-LocalizedName, digging into 20 years old VBS code using GetDetailsOf:
function Get-LocalizedName {
$ChildObj = Get-ChildItem $FilePath
$FldrName = $ChildObj.DirectoryName
$FileName = $ChildObj.Name
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$Folder = $Shell.Namespace($FldrName)
$File = $Folder.ParseName($FileName)
return $($Folder.GetDetailsOf($File,0))