I'm developing server(console app) on latest .Net 6 platform, using AspNetCore.signalR and in OnConnectedAsync method I want to read headers present in HttpContext, but I can't get HttpContext, I've tried:
var httpContext = Context.GetHttpContext();
But this throws compilation error. Like this method does not exist in this namespace anymore(namespace: Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR).
I also tried following approach:
var features = Context.Features.Get<HttpConnectionFeature>();
But this only gives info about Local/Remote IP Addresses which is useless when using proxy.
So I want to read all context headers, like User-Agent, Remote IP address, X-Forwarded-For and etc.
Any suggestions/solutions?
public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
var httpCtx = Context.GetHttpContext();
var headers = httpCtx.Request.Headers;
return base.OnConnectedAsync();