I'm attempting to create a list of checkboxes where a user can select what they want to download in a single csv file and the csv file should display both 'choiceNames' and 'choiceValues', which defined in the code. I wrote the code below, but the download button does not work.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(h1(" Worksheet",align="center")),
titlePanel(h4("Antenatal Risk Factors/Current Pregnancy",align="center")),
checkboxGroupInput("Antel", " ",
choiceNames =
list("Urinary tract infections this pregnancy",
"Urinary tract infections this pregnancy, treated",
"Anemia this pregnancy (HCT < 30/Hgb <10)",
"Hemoglobinopathy this pregnancy",
"Coagulation disorder",
"Rh sensitization",
"Other iso-immunization",
"Biliary/liver disorder(Yes at delivery)",
"Cardiac disease",
"Autoimmune disease",
"Antiphospholipid syndrome",
"Specify collagen vascular disease",
"Acute or chronic lung disease",
"Renal disorder/disease",
"Renal dialysis or end stage renal disease",
"Thyroid disease",
"Cancer this pregnancy",
"Cancer treatment this pregnancy"
choiceValues =list("RFC_INFUT","RFC_INFUTTX",
checkboxGroupInput("Fetal", "Fetal Conditions",
choiceNames = list("Decreased fetal movement",
"Abnormal fetal heart rate/rhythm",
"Suspected IUGR this pregnancy",
"Fetal compromise this pregnancy",
"Suspected Fetal CNS Anomaly",
"Diagnosed fetal anomaly:",
"Fetal damage",
"Postterm, > 41 6/7 weeks"),
choiceValues = list("RFC_FETMOV",
checkboxGroupInput("Maternal", "Maternal Characteristics",
choiceNames = list("Maternal traumatic injury during this pregnancy",
"Domestic violence during this pregnancy",
"aternal surgical procedure during this pregnancy",
"Other antenatal risk factors during this pregnancy:_____"),
choiceValues = list("RFC_TINJ",
server <- function(input, output) {
output$download_checkboxes <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
Data <- data.frame(selected = input$Antel & input$Fetal )
write.csv(Data, file, row.names = FALSE)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Is this what you're looking for?
c_antel <- data.frame(cn = c("Urinary tract infections this pregnancy",
"Urinary tract infections this pregnancy, treated",
"Anemia this pregnancy (HCT < 30/Hgb <10)",
"Hemoglobinopathy this pregnancy",
"Coagulation disorder",
"Rh sensitization",
"Other iso-immunization",
"Biliary/liver disorder(Yes at delivery)",
"Cardiac disease",
"Autoimmune disease",
"Antiphospholipid syndrome",
"Specify collagen vascular disease",
"Acute or chronic lung disease",
"Renal disorder/disease",
"Renal dialysis or end stage renal disease",
"Thyroid disease",
"Cancer this pregnancy",
"Cancer treatment this pregnancy"),
cv = c("RFC_INFUT",
c_fetal <- data.frame(cn = c("Decreased fetal movement",
"Abnormal fetal heart rate/rhythm",
"Suspected IUGR this pregnancy",
"Fetal compromise this pregnancy",
"Suspected Fetal CNS Anomaly",
"Diagnosed fetal anomaly:",
"Fetal damage",
"Postterm, > 41 6/7 weeks"),
cv = c("RFC_FETMOV",
c_mater <- data.frame(cn = c("Maternal traumatic injury during this pregnancy",
"Domestic violence during this pregnancy",
"aternal surgical procedure during this pregnancy",
"Other antenatal risk factors during this pregnancy:_____"),
cv = c("RFC_TINJ",
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(h1(" Worksheet",align="center")),
titlePanel(h4("Antenatal Risk Factors/Current Pregnancy",align="center")),
checkboxGroupInput("Antel", " ",
choiceNames = c_antel$cn,
choiceValues = c_antel$cv
checkboxGroupInput("Fetal", "Fetal Conditions",
choiceNames = c_fetal$cn,
choiceValues = c_fetal$cv
checkboxGroupInput("Maternal", "Maternal Characteristics",
choiceNames = c_mater$cn,
choiceValues = c_mater$cv
downloadButton("download_checkboxes", "download"),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$download_checkboxes <- downloadHandler(
contentType = "text/csv",
filename = "results.csv",
content = function(file) {
Data <- data.frame(
key = c(input$Antel,
value = c(c_antel$cn[c_antel$cv %in% input$Antel],
c_fetal$cn[c_fetal$cv %in% input$Fetal],
c_mater$cn[c_mater$cv %in% input$Maternal])
write.csv(Data, file, row.names = F)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)