I'm very confused about something. I'm trying to send a Map<string, string[]>
through a request and it is working fine in Angular 9.1 but it stopped working when I upgraded to Angular 13. I didn't find anything related to changes being made to the HttpClient or so.
I've found this issue on GitHub Serialization of JSON bodies containing a Typescript Map object: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/32117
And the answer they provided is:
Unfortunately HttpClient uses a simple JSON.stringify call to serialize bodies to JSON. This call doesn't support what you'd like to do with Map objects.
I suggest using an HttpInterceptor to modify outgoing request bodies before they're serialized, and convert Maps to POJ(s)Os.
But I'm wondering, why am I able to successfully perform the request in Angular 9.1 but can't in Angular 13?
Here's the code example:
export interface MyObject {
name: string;
description: string;
labels?: Map<string, string[]>;
this.http.post<AlertRule>(url, myObjectInstance).pipe(
The problem is that the object actually sent does not contain our Map fields in Angular 13 but it does in Angular 9.
"name" : "my-name",
"description" : "my-description",
"labels" : {}
Again, I know I can manually convert the Map<string, string[]> to JSON to get this working. But my question is, why this is working on an older version and why I didn't find anything related to this change in the upgrade guide? If there was one.
Could this be related to RxJS, Nodejs, or TypeScript instead of Angular?
This was caused because core-js@2
implemented a Map.prototype.toJSON proposal, but it was rejected by TC39, so it was removed from core-js@3